more than a data collector

The Cluey Data Collector is a flexible, intuitive app for data collection and tracking that supports collaboration, enables viewing and editing each other’s observations, and enhances shared situational awareness for wildlife protection.

Key features

  • Create Groups to collect and share information with specific users or on particular species or issues. Similar to WhatsApp Groups, you can invite collaborators and share data, with access restricted to Group Members only.

  • Recording observations is now simpler than ever. With Cluey, the number of recorded observations often increases 20 to 50 times, providing more detailed information on:

    • Animal sightings: group composition, signs of presence, cause of death, etc.

    • Human-wildlife conflicts: damages, actions taken, etc.

    • Human activities: legal or illegal, actions taken, etc.

    • Community work: details about beneficiaries, subjects, engagement methods, etc.

    • Points of interest: water works, critical infrastructure, trees, etc.

  • Record animal sightings, discoveries, human-wildlife conflicts, and activities quickly and easily from your device. Include details like confiscated flora and fauna, weapons, cause of death, and actions taken by field teams. Share information in near-real-time with automated tracking to monitor ranger locations and organise prompt assistance in case of an incident.

  • In areas with no internet, unstable connections, or high costs, Cluey functions offline. All recordings are saved and automatically transmitted once the connection is restored.



The development of Cluey was made possible by a remarkable group of sponsors, developers and contributors.