Mission-driven subscription Plans

Equitability drives Sensing Clues’ mission: our services are accessible and affordable for every organisation. Thanks to our Solution Partners, who sponsor the technologies, and support from the European Commission, as well as collaboration with our network of Project Partners and volunteers, we can keep costs low.

For those on a tight budget, our Freemium Technologies are available. For an equitable Premium or Project Subscription, you gain access to interactive tools, hands-on support, influence on our roadmap, and custom solutions.

Decide what is Fair: Your Price, Your Impact

We believe our success comes from strong, lasting partnerships founded on trust and open communication. Subscription fees for non-profit organisations range from 500 to 10,000 Euro annually. You determine what you can afford, and we trust your judgement to be fair. To find a fair price, consider these questions:

  • How much more impact can I achieve?

  • How much can I save on in-house or hired expertise?

  • How many more users (without R or Python skills) can access my custom solutions?

  • How much time can I save on training?

  • How much more time can I devote to development, without worrying about updating software packages, code libraries and security updates?

  • How much more sustainable will my applications be with the Sensing Clues support and platform?

Ready to start your own project?