Nature FIRST

The crane migration is on!

Author: ass. prof. Koen de Koning, partner in Nature FIRST

Autumn is normally marked by colder weather, giving many thousands of birds the go-ahead to migrate south to their wintering grounds in southern Europe and Africa. However, this fall has been particularly mild so far, so few birds really felt the need to begin their fall migration. That is now changing! Colder weather is approaching, and that will change the minds of many thousands of migratory birds. There may even be a real mass migration in the offing! So are the cranes.

Some time ago I examined GPS data from transmittered cranes, and combined it with historical weather data, to get a picture of how the weather affects their migratory behavior. What emerged? Cranes are particularly heavily influenced by weather in the fall. They wait patiently until optimal conditions literally give them a boost to fly southward. A very strong relationship can be found between a few key weather characteristics, and the choice to depart, namely: wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, cloud cover and temperature. The day of departure is heralded by a strongly cooling temperature, a substantial decrease in wind speed (calm weather), drier weather, more sun and a wind turning northeast. Sunshine provides the necessary thermals, allowing cranes to gain altitude easily, and the wind from the northeast naturally blows the birds south. Especially in northwestern Europe, where headwinds (southwestern wind) are dominant, this turning of the wind to the northeast is a very important starting signal for the autumn migration. And let now coincidentally all these favorable weather factors come together early next week! So that is a guarantee for spectacular bird migration!

Can we expect thousands of cranes in the Netherlands? That remains to be seen, but the predictions are favorable. The only thing is that most of the cranes have only just made the crossing from Scandinavia to Germany, so the question is whether they have been sufficiently 'refueled' to make the next leg. In addition, the wind has to come in from the east to 'blow' the cranes to our country. In any case, there is plenty of reason to keep a close eye on the crane radar!

And a nice piece of news for those who are already familiar with the crane radar: Recently, we have been working hard on a new version that incorporates all of these weather forecasts as well in order to track migration even more accurately on the radar!


Nature FIRST and

WWF-Ukraine introduces Sensing Clues

In May, our WWF-Ukraine colleagues of Nature FIRST have trained staff of the Verkhovyna National Nature Park and Yasinya Forestry in collecting and analysing data about large carnivores.

Some impressions!

It is necessary to systematically collect and analyse information on the populations of large carnivores and other species to develop sustainable management plans for territories, biodiversity conservation, and the prevention of conflicts in the region. The modern tools of the Sensing Clues software suite can provide this. We provided partners with 10 test smartphones with ready-to-use mobile applications and installed these applications on employees' phones. We introduced and taught how to work with the capabilities of the package of programs for monitoring and analysis, — Roman Cherepanyn, WWF-Ukraine expert and project manager.

"We met motivated conservationists who strive to improve the primary data collection process and modernise their analysis on these training. We got reasonable questions and collected comments and suggestions regarding work organisation with the presented mobile application. Today, this package of programs for analysis and reporting has no available analogues; it has received favourable reviews", — Ostap Reshetylo, WWF-Ukraine expert and project manager.

Intro and Demo of Solutions for Biodiversity Monitoring

Join our online demo

Join an online session where we will showcase the achievements, solutions, and technologies of Nature FIRST, a project focused on biodiversity preservation. Our goal is to gather feedback from key stakeholders in the ecosystem, as they are the future users of our technology.
The session will begin with an introduction to the project, followed by a demonstration of our achievements and solutions.

After the demonstrations, we will open the floor to a Q&A session where you can ask questions and provide feedback. We hope to start a discussion about the ongoing challenges in biodiversity preservation and gather insights from key players in the field.
The session will take place on April 26, 14:00 CET. We look forward to your participation and contribution to this vital discussion. Please let us know if you can join by completing the form below. After completing the form, you will receive a link for the session!

Agenda (CET)

14:00 – 14:10

Introduction of Nature FIRST by Jan Kees from Sensing Clues

14:10 – 14:45

Nature FIRST tech & solutions demonstrations

  • Taxonomy crossovers: EUNIS, CLC, IUCN Red List, Natura2000 and more by Albin from the Semantic Web Company

  • Ecosystem base maps by Melanie from Sensing Clues

  • Intro to the Habitat Mapping method by Jan-Kees from Sensing Clues

  • TrapTagger for Species Recognition by Judith from Sensing Clues

  • Towards the Nature FIRST Knowledge Graph by Jan Kees

14:45 – 15:00


About Nature FIRST

As a Horizon Europe project funded by the European Commission, Nature FIRST is developing predictive, proactive, and preventative tools for nature conservation.

Stay tuned to learn more about how we combine forensic intelligence, remote sensing technologies and digital twins to protect and restore biodiversity in Europe and beyond. The tools we are developing are tested and demonstrated in the following regions:

  • The Carpathian Mountains, a 1,500 km-long range in Central and Eastern Europe.

  • The Danube Delta River is Europe’s largest remaining natural wetland. The more significant part of the Danube Delta lies in Romania, and a small part is in Ukraine.

  • The Stara Planina Mountains are a mountain range in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula.

  • And the Ancares y O Courel, the largest green reserve in Galicia, Spain.

Learn more about the project on the Nature FIRST website.